Womens Representation quotes

Useful quotes and reference for my essay

Three elements 
1.       Historical – dependent on the requirements of the topic, you must summarise the development of the way Women are represented in film in theoretical contexts.

2.       Contemporary – examples from five years before the examination.

3.       Future – you must demonstrate personal engagement with debates about the future of the way Women are represented / issues that the topic relates to.

Women are generally represented in a narrow range of social roles by various types of media, whilst men are shown performing a full range of social and occupational roles. Tunstall (2000) argues that media representations emphasise women’s domestic, sexual, consumer and marital activities to the exclusion of all else. The media generally ignore the fact that a majority of British women go out to work. Men, on the other hand, are seldom presented nude or defined by their marital or family status.

Working women are often portrayed as unfulfilled, unattractive, possibly unstable and unable to sustain relationships. It is often implied that working mothers, rather than working fathers, are guilty of the emotional neglect of their children.

Ferguson’s ideas were challenged by Winship (1987), who argued that women’s magazines generally play a supportive and positive role in the lives of women. Winship argues that such magazines present women with a broader range of options than ever before and that they tackle problems that have been largely ignored by the male-dominated media, such as domestic violence and child abuse.

Because of the way women and men are becoming more equal due to the way society is encouraging equality I believe that the gap between the sexes are getting smaller. I think that education and wealth also effects this as the more educated people are the less of the difference there is. Where as in a working-class area people seem to have a leger difference between males and females as males are still expected to support the family and produce the money.

Male gaze is the camera shot portrayed to the audience. Wolf (1990) suggest that the images of women used by the media presents women a sex objects to the be consumed by what Mulvey. This is done by tilts and close ups on the women figure which makes the audience feel like they are looking from a male’s point of view. (Lauren Mulvey’s theory)
David Gauntlett - “Identity is complicated - everybody thinks they've got one." - David Gauntlett
"People are increasingly curious about our own construction of identity, which is one of the reasons why people buy magazines and self-help books, and watch 'people shows' on TV, and also one of the reasons why people are interested to do courses in media or sociology or psychology."
David Buckingham - "Identity is an ambiguous and slippery term."

The Intern

A retired 70-year-old widower, Ben (played by Robert De Niro), is bored with retired life. He applies to a be a senior intern at an online fashion retailer and gets the position. The founder of the company is Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway), a tireless, driven, demanding, dynamic workaholic. Ben is made her intern, but this is a nominal role - she doesn't intend to give him work and it is just window dressing. However, Ben proves to be quite useful and, more than that, a source of support and wisdom.


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